
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Business secret to get rid of spectacles, only for Ubqari Cured eyesight, fair color and long height, special sweet!

Ubqari Magazine - April 2015

Business secret to get rid of spectacles, only for Ubqari:

Both of these remedies are not only bookish prescriptions instead these are my tested prescription for eye sight weakness, and in this regard I have personal experience because my daughter had problem looking at board in class room, sometimes head ache and sometime water from eyes… got her eyesight checked up from eye specialist who was a friend, came to know that her eye sight was weak, she had to wear glasses, 11-12 years of age and glasses… you feel more when that happens to you. I saw many children wearing glasses but didn’t feel anything when this happened to my daughter I felt a lot that there should be some kind of medicine by which weakening of her eye sight stops, and also such by which glasses could completely be removed, there are so many bookish prescription but I want something which really works. Discussed it with many other senior doctors, also discussed with Hakeems but when I asked them about the duration in which I will get results no one gave any satisfying answer. After so much hard work I decided to make her use one prescription, during medicine almost after two months she started saying that she feel sever head ache when she uses glasses and she feels heaviness on eyes, however we decided to get her eye sight checked up again, we went to doctor again, he checked her eye sight and said who told you that her eye sight is weak? We showed him cards that he himself diagnosed it 3-4 months back. He inquired about medicine she used, I said we used homeopathic medicine then he said I will visit your clinic.

This prescription is my business secret, but I have much beneficence upon me of Ubqari. Ubqari ask for something and I don’t give it this is just impossible, because I have learned a lot from ubqari and it has increased my dignity, ubqari gave me identity. However here is prescription for all those kids who wear glasses I have seen 39 cases who got rid of glasess due to this prescription thanks to ALLAH:  for weak eyesight ROTA 30, GALSI MEM 30, TARIM MEOR 30. Guarantee for success of this prescription is continuous use until cure. At least 3 months with German medicine. Also use following prescription with above mentioned medicine.

Cured eyesight, fair color and long height, special sweet!

One special sweet dish whose purpose is to cure eye sight. Adults and children everyone can eat. Ingredients: 1 kg carrot, 1 liter cow milk, 150 grams butter fat, sugar as per desire, 150 grams almond (Sweet), 150 gram pistachio,150 grams currant, quarter tea spoon Saffron. Procedure: cook carrots in milk until they get dry, then add butter fat and cook again and all nuts. Divide it into small parts and eat it thrice a day, consider it as medicine or sweet dish it’s up to you, it will not only cure your eye sight but will also make your complexion fair, it will also increase your height. Insha’Allah. Dark circles around your eyes will be reduced and if you are student it will increase your mental capability and it will be easy for you to understand things in class, you will remind things easily, your memory will become strong. Keep in mind that you have to use it thrice a day. Both of these prescriptions not only cure eyesight but also remove glasses permanently. At the end it is requested that if you get benefit from it please pray for me, my parents and my spiritual teacher Hazrat Hakeem Sahib (دامت برکاتہم). (Dr. Zafar Hamid Malik, Attock City)

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